December 30, 2014 1 Look At Me: Android App For Kids With Autism To Help Improve Eye Contact There are over 60 million people around the world that have autism. Usually, children with autism struggle [...]
December 18, 2014 0 UNI: Device That Converts Sign Language To Text $1,278 Shy Of Meeting Crowdfunding Target Motion Savvy, the company that introduced perhaps the most innovative product of 2014 in the assistive [...]
December 9, 2014 3 OtoSense Mobile App: Re-Imagining Alerting Devices For Deaf, Hard Of Hearing For Joyce Edmiston, 55, who admits she can’t hear her oven timer beeping when she removes her hearing aids, [...]
December 5, 2014 0 Ubi: A Voice Controlled Device That Converts Speech To Actions There is a device in the market that just might be the ultimate device for anyone with limited mobility [...]
December 3, 2014 0 World Disability Day: Sustainable Development – The Promise Of Technology Today is World Disability Day! The purpose of recognizing today as World Disability Day is to “promote [...]
November 29, 2014 1 Google Glass: A Solution For People With Low Vision Thanks to so many technological marvels around us, every question has not one, but many answers. It’s [...]
November 4, 2014 0 MusicGlove: World’s First FDA Approved Music-Based Hand Rehabilitation Device When it comes to therapy for stroke patients, we picture mundane, boring exercises that they have to perform [...]
October 27, 2014 0 3D Printing And Prosthetics This is the first of (hopefully) many to come in the future. This is a very basic primer on 3D printing and [...]
October 21, 2014 4 UNI: A Device That Converts Sign Language To Speech Remember MotionSavvy, the company that was working on creating a device that would convert sign language into [...]
October 13, 2014 0 Prosthetic Hand Lets Amputees Feel Texture Of Objects Over the years, prosthetic hands are becoming more and more viable for people who lose their hands in [...]