October 10, 2014 1 VEST: A Vest That Helps Deaf People Hear We know very well that a large majority of deaf people use hearing aids or cochlear implants to [...]
September 22, 2014 0 Four Senses: Cooking Show For Blind People How would a blind foodie learn to cook new and exciting recipes? By watching a cooking show on tv, of course! [...]
September 15, 2014 0 TALK: AAC Device That Converts Breathing to Voice Sixteen year olds are always busy making great inventions, right? Arsh Dilbagi from India is a finalist [...]
September 14, 2014 1 ModMath: Math App For Dysgraphic Children This is another great story of how a parent decided to find a solution for her kid’s disability by [...]
September 12, 2014 2 Spell Master: App That Improves Spelling Skills For Blind Children What’s great about technology, especially in this decade is that everyone has access to a plethora of [...]
August 31, 2014 0 Assistive Technology Blog Minisode: Signs Restaurant in Toronto, Canada I am starting a new series called “minisodes” which will showcase some fun, interesting, exciting [...]
August 24, 2014 2 Assistive Technology Gadgets That Could Change Your Life [Infographic] Are you or someone you know an Occupational Therapist and/or take care of someone with special needs? Michael [...]
August 22, 2014 0 Story of Dyslexia, Learning Disabilities and Finding his Greatness – Introducing Dr. Christopher M. Lee. This great humanitarian story was written by Debra Ruh of Ruh Global Communications LLC. Debra is a [...]
August 19, 2014 1 A Blind Legend: Video Game For Blind People In A Blind Legend, your eyes will be of no help So close them, sharpen your hearing and your blade… and [...]
August 10, 2014 5 Talkitt – App/ Software That Lets People With Speech Impairment Communicate In Any Language Using Their Voice Update (6/27/2016): Talkitt has begun its first round of beta testing and is getting closer to launch! In [...]