June 28, 2015 0 This Is How You Do Makeup When You Are Blind Lucy Edwards is a 19 year old who lost vision in her right eye when she was 11 and left eye two years ago [...]
June 2, 2015 2 Lechal Footwear: Shoes And Insoles For Blind Walkers If you walk a lot to get from one place to another, you probably appreciate a good pair of shoes that make [...]
April 19, 2015 2 VisiTalks: A Great Tool For Communication Between Deaf And Hearing People There are great inventions being made to enhance daily lives for deaf people – from an app that brings [...]
April 7, 2015 0 MN Hands & Voices: Support Organization For Parents With Deaf Children I recently had the privilege of chatting with Candace Lindow-Davies, who manages a program called MN Hands [...]
February 13, 2015 0 A Wearable That Can Help Blind People Understand Their Surrounding “This system could allow someone like me to focus on social interactions versus environmental aspects. It [...]
December 18, 2014 0 UNI: Device That Converts Sign Language To Text $1,278 Shy Of Meeting Crowdfunding Target Motion Savvy, the company that introduced perhaps the most innovative product of 2014 in the assistive [...]
December 9, 2014 3 OtoSense Mobile App: Re-Imagining Alerting Devices For Deaf, Hard Of Hearing For Joyce Edmiston, 55, who admits she can’t hear her oven timer beeping when she removes her hearing aids, [...]
October 10, 2014 1 VEST: A Vest That Helps Deaf People Hear We know very well that a large majority of deaf people use hearing aids or cochlear implants to [...]
September 22, 2014 0 Four Senses: Cooking Show For Blind People How would a blind foodie learn to cook new and exciting recipes? By watching a cooking show on tv, of course! [...]
September 12, 2014 2 Spell Master: App That Improves Spelling Skills For Blind Children What’s great about technology, especially in this decade is that everyone has access to a plethora of [...]