January 8, 2016 0 AccessNow: Interactive Tool That Shows Accessible Locations For Wheelchair Users A big hurdle for people in wheelchairs is that they need accessibility (ramps, automatic doors, [...]
March 8, 2015 0 Ripchair Provides Full Independence To Wheelchair Users So They Could Enjoy The Outdoors Again When summer comes, the first thing we think of is the great outdoors! Some like to hike, swim, bike whereas [...]
November 14, 2013 0 Morph Wheels: Wheels That Fit In A Bag We saw last month the state of the art WHILL Type A wheelchair that has so much to offer than just style and [...]
October 29, 2013 2 WHILL Type-A: State Of The Art Wheelchair That Offers Style And Comfort The most modern wheelchair to date, the WHILL Type-A is available for pre order in the US. Is it modern [...]
January 14, 2013 1 Mobi-Chair: Wheelchair For The Beach! How often do people in wheelchairs get to go to the beach and play in the water? Deschamps, a [...]
January 3, 2013 4 i-Transport: Wheelchair That Helps People Move And Reach Heights Scientists at the National Cheng Ku University in Taiwan have designed a wheelchair that not only allows [...]
October 22, 2012 0 Robot Wheelchair That Climbs Steps; Tackles Obstacles Image source: Diginfo TV A group at Chiba Institute of Technology in Japan has developed a new concept [...]
September 23, 2012 0 Hands Free Wheelchair Image source: Engadget If you are a technology aficionado, and are curious to know what sort of amazing [...]
May 23, 2012 0 Circus Challenge: Video Games For Stroke Victims Image source: Engadget It is often a challenge to retrain the brain to control a weakened limb after a [...]
October 10, 2011 2 Panasonic RoboticBed: Wheelchair Cum Bed (image source: TechCrunch) Showcased at CEATEC 2011 in Japan, the RoboticBed is the latest invention by [...]