Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children Uses Percussion Play And Music Therapy To Benefit People Suffering From Sensory Impairment
To mark Deafblind Awareness Week starting on the 26th June, Percussion Play is highlighting how music therapy can help those suffering from a sensory impairment, such as those who are deaf or blind or have partial visual or hearing impairments. Music has long been used to help heal, transcending nations and cultures; this is why music is often referred to as the universal language. Music therapy benefits cognitive, emotional, and social issues as well as the physical needs of people. It has proven to be an effective way to help alleviate symptoms and provide a sense of inner calm to patients. A School in Western Pennsylvania is using music therapy to enhance the lives of its students- all through sound and vibration. The Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children , which has over 190 students, an adult day program for graduates of the school, as well as a child care center for the employees of the school, has created outdoor music areas for everyone to enjoy with Percussion Play instruments,A generous donor, Ray Wojszynski, funds a program named the Creative Arts Series, where performers visit the school and introduce music and the arts to students. Mr. Wojszynski has donated a [...]