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Father Builds Adaptive Controller For Nintendo Switch Using XBox Adaptive Controller

Ava, Rory's daughter, seen here playing Zelda with the new adaptive controller her dad built for her.

Rory Steel, a UK resident and father of two children with hereditary spastic paraplegia that affects their motor skills, has created an amazing accessible controller that makes playing complex games on Nintendo Switch very easy for his children.

Rory took the XBox Adaptive Controller, patiently and meticulously connected several arcade style buttons and joysticks to it, and finally hooked it up to a Nintendo Switch. This well thought out setup now provides larger physical components that his children can use with ease to maneuver characters and perform actions easily.

The buttons Nintento Switch comes with  are too small and out of reach for Rory’s children, hence the necessity for this accessible controller. Rory posted regular updates on his Twitter as he progressed through this project. He will be posting a “How to” video very soon.

Watch the video below to learn more about this controller Rory built.

Some updates from his Twitter that he posted.

Source: Kotaku [Thank you for sharing, John!]

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