Scewo Wheelchair Has The Ability To Climb Up Stairs

side view of scewo wheelchair

Can wheelchairs climb stairs? Well, not today, but it is definitely a possibility in the future! Scewo, a prototype wheelchair still in active development, has the ability to not only go over curbs and other smaller obstacles, but also climb up stairs. In addition to big wheels to take care of obstacles, it has rubber tracks for a smoother ride. Going up stairs is made possible by these tracks too, and provide rigidity and stability while the wheelchair is in motion.

Scewo can be maneuvered by either its joystick or just by the person’s shifting body weight, and comes with several modes besides stair and driving mode. Track mode is for slippery surfaces and steep inclines, and elevated mode raises the seat up for eye to eye communication and to reach objects at a height.

According to the FAQ section on its website, Scewo should be ready for the market by late 2018, and its cost should be comparable to other power wheelchairs.

Watch the video below, and visit Scewo’s website to learn more about this new power wheelchair!

Scewo website


  1. Such machines give a lot of hope to disabled people! We hope that these type of wheelchairs will soon become available to all at affordable prices.

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