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10 Disaster Apps That Could Save Your Life

In 2016, there is a great need to explore faster and more effective methods of activating relief efforts. These apps can help keep you and your family safe in the event of an emergency. If you, or someone you know, has a disability which will make escaping a disaster situation not easy, it is imperative to plan ahead and give yourself enough time.

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1. Disaster Alert
Available on: iOS, Android
Price: Free

Disaster Alert by the Pacific Disaster Centre provides mobile access to multi-hazard monitoring of and early warning for “active hazards” aroudn the globe.

2. First Aid by American Red Cross
Available on: iOS, Android
Price: Free

Features simple step-by-step instructions that guide you through everyday first aid scenarios.

3. Global Emergency Overview
Available on: iOS, Android
Price: Free

The app allows you to quickly browse through the different countries included in the overview while providing easy access to more in-depth sectoral analysis and baseline information.

4. Humanitarian Kiosk
Available on: iOS, Android
Price: Free

The Humanitarian Kiosk created by the United Nations provides a range of up-to-the-minute humanitarian related information from emergencies around the world.

5. Real Time Warning
Available on: iOS, Android
Price: Free

Real Time Warning offers alerts about disasters around the world. Users select an event to see its location, damage, severity, and rumble radius on a world map.

6. Earthquake Alert!
Available on: iOS, Android
Price: Free

Earthquake Alert offers information about earthquakes with a magnitude of 1.0 and up in the US and magnitude of 4.0 and up from anywhere else in the world.

7. SirenGPS
Available on: iOS, Android
Price: Free

With SIrenGPS you can contact the emergency services with the tap of the button and it instantly gives them your exact location and personal details.

8. Red Panic Button
Available on: iOS, Android
Price: Free

By simply pushing the red panic buton, this app will send your GPS coordinates and a link to Google Maps by SMS or email to previously specified contact list.

9. Life360
Available on: iOS, Android
Price: Free

Life 360 allows you and your family to set up a private network, then with a click of a button, you can let yourr family where you are and if you’re safe.

10. Guardly
Available on: iOS, Android
Price: Free

Guardly enables you to receive emergency and operational alerts from your company or company’s security team in the event of an emergency at work.

Emergency Checklist

In the event of an emergency:

1. Assess your personal safety before taking action.
2. Call emergency services and tell them:
a. The location of the emergency including nearby landmarks.
b. The telephone number from where the call is being made.
c. What happened.
d. How many people require assistance.
e. Condition of the people.
f. What assistance is being given.
g. Stay on the line until the operator says it’s okay to hang up.
3. Try to stay calm until the emergency services arrive.

References: Lifestyle/ 07/ 17/ 15/ 7-mobile-apps-can-help-during-natural-disasters—essential-personal-safety-apps-for-emergency-situations/#gref

Source: Nature’s Water Ltd.

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