DIY Project: Objects Describe Themselves On Touch (For Blind People)
Wouldn’t it be great if objects around us could just describe themselves instead of us having to figure out where and what they are? How convenient would it be for a blind person to touch or grab an object, and immediately get a description of what that object is – from the object itself? I have started working with Bare Conductive’s Touch Board – an Arduino based prototyping tool that can interact with objects via touch. It can be connected to practically anything through Alligator Clips or Electric Paint (for non metallic objects) and allows interaction with them when they are touched. In the video below, for example, I am using a can of chick peas (metallic object) and a photo frame (non metallic object). Touching or holding both of them gets me an audio description from the speaker connected to the Touch Board. If you don’t want to watch the video above, these simple instructions should give you an idea of how to set it all up. The set up is extremely simple. You will need the following for this project: 1. Bare Conductive Touch Board. 2. Micro SD Card for recording audio clips. 3. Alligator Clips. [...]