Virtual And Augmented Reality: A World of Potential for People with Disabilities
Gamers are already mostly familiar with the possibilities of virtual reality and are eagerly awaiting the shipment of multiple VR titles and headsets. This gives them a leg up on medical professionals, who might dismiss it as merely a frivolous gaming tool. The truth is that this new gaming development could have wide-ranging applications in healthcare particularly in the treatment of those suffering from autism or disability. The latest incarnations of virtual reality are a far cry from the clunky, headache-inducing units that achieved notoriety in the ’90s. The models that are expected to hit the marketplace very soon use advanced graphics capabilities and motion sensing equipment to deliver experiences that are realistic, attractive and appealing. The user usually has to put on a special headset that projects high-res images in front of the eyes. In order to control the action and change the view, he or she uses a combination of eye and head movements and hand-held devices. Three large firms intend to release VR gear in 2016: Facebook, Sony and Microsoft. Facebook purchased the Oculus Rift, which is perhaps the frontrunner in the VR landscape, in 2014. It will work with regular computers as a plug-in peripheral. Sony’s [...]
Venkat Rao